Friday 19 December 2014

Resubmission:Daniel Henry: Additional Research (The British Museum)

As a group we went to The British Museum to gain an understanding of the Ancient Roman era whilst strengthening the sources of our research, i took a few photos of pillars as thats one of the main assets used in our game.
Roman Statues that caught me and my groups attention during the visit. The photo (Top Right) of the female slave might be used as a reference for the main female character in the game.

Environment Photos (The Roman Empire Section) : I took a few close up photos from pieces of Roman Empire inscriptions, stones and bricks to attempt to create interesting textures out of them whilst keeping it coherent to the theme of our game.

Roman Helmets: Various styles and shapes which were on display there. The stylisation of the Roman helmet (Bottom Left)  is one of the key references used for my character.

Roman Shields /Weapons & Torso Armour

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